Copied with permission from the website of Pack 418. Thanks!

Cub Scouting is a program for boys from 1st grade to 5th grade. A key element of the program is an emphasis on caring, nurturing relationships between boys and their parents, adult leaders, and friends.

Cub Scouting has 9 purposes:

All leaders who work with the boys are people who volunteer their time to help the boys achieve their goals. The council provides training, activities, and program helps to the leaders in the packs.


Recognition is important to young boys. The Cub Scout Advancement Plan provides fun for the boys, gives them a sense of personal achievement as they earn badges, and strengthens family understanding as adult family members work with boys on advancement projects.


The Tiger Cub program is a simple and fun program for 1st graders and their families. It introduces the boys and their adult partners to the excitement of Cub Scouting as they "Search, Discover, and Share" together. The dens usually meet twice a month. In these meetings, they work with their adult partners on the 17 Big Ideas found in the Tiger Cub book. They also participate in monthly Pack meetings.

This program helps the boys and parents see how the Cub Scouting program runs. It encourages them to continue on through the Cub Scouting program.


The Bobcat is the first rank that all boys earn who join Cub Scouts in 2nd through 5th grade. To earn this, they need to complete requirements that give them the basics of Cub Scouts. They learn the promise, motto, hand shake, and how the program runs.


The Wolf program is for boys who have completed 1st grade. To earn the Wolf badge, a boy must pass 12 achievements involving simple physical and mental skills. They are being introduced to outdoor activities, which are the basis of Boy Scouts.


The Bear rank is for boys who have completed 2nd grade. There are 24 Bead achievements in four categories. The Cub Scout must complete 12 of these to earn the Bear badge. These requirements are more challenging than those for the Wolf rank. They are learning more about outdoor skills.


This program is for boys who have completed 3rd grade. When the Scout finishes 5th grade and earns the Arrow of Light, he bridges to Boy Scouts.

A Webelos Scout has 20 activity badges that he can earn during his 2 years as a Webelos. He must complete certain badges and other requirements to earn the Webelos badge. These activity badges help to prepare him for the transition to Boy Scouts.


The Arrow of Light is the highest rank a boy can achieve in Cub Scouts. This badge is earned by completing certain requirements as a Webelos Scout. They include activity badge work and learning some of the basics of Boy Scouts. This is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform.


There are many other awards and badges the Scouts can earn to round out the Cub Scouting program. These range from Sports and Academic belt loops and pins, to religious awards and conservation awards. These awards can be earned by Cub Scouts of different ages. There are also Arrow points for the Wolf and Bear ranks, and Compass points for the Webelos rank.

The FUN of Scouting doesn't stop at the end of Cub Scouting, it's just beginning! The Scouts joining Boy Scouts get to explore in depth many avenues of life. They can explore careers and hobbies, plus learn more about nature and the outdoors. THE ADVENTURE IS JUST BEGINNING!

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